a couple riding in a convertible

Personal Loans

Whatever your needs are, we are here to help you find the best solution.

Installment Loan
An installment loan can provide the money you need to help cover unexpected expenses. It is often a good alternative to using a high-interest credit card. We offer flexible terms, fixed rates, and no early repayment fees. Contact any of our experienced Loan Officers listed below to discuss rates and terms available.

Auto Loans
We are here for you when purchasing a new or used vehicle. Once you have found the perfect one to fit your needs, give us a call or visit us in person. If you want to start the application process now, click on the link below and we will contact you!

Loan Officers

Officer NMLS Number
Carlos Coy 716534
Greg Gray 718925
Jimmy Monkres 716374
Josh Monkres 1842557
Pierce Monkres 716567
Jeff Tufts 716519
Two business people looking at a laptop
Business Loans

We offer a variety of loan products to assist local business owners.